Sunday 12 April 2020

Drama Reviews - Itaewon Class (2020)

So the first drama I watched in 2020 was Itaewon Class! Started it on a whim because of the rave reviews and high ratings it got at the beginning.
Unfortunately, unlike many ppl who can work from home, I'm in "essential services" (trend word of the year haha) so I haven't actually had extra time to watch Netflix. Until my official leave, that is.
Anyway, Itaewon Class had an interesting premise and I heard about the variety of characters so I started it. The story is essentially about Park Saeroyi (Park Seojoon who just picks hit after hit) who lost everything in high school, went to jail, and comes out wanting to start a restaurant franchise to overtake the current number 1 restaurant franchise in korea, owned by his arch enemy.